
1: a mode or process of social interaction whether associative or dissociative. 2: a creative agency in Ottawa that focuses on website development, design, marketing and crafting digital strategies for associations, organizations and small business.

Sociation Marketing Agency


Sociation is a creative agency that focuses
on custom website development, design,
and membership management systems
for non-profit organizations and small business.

Planning a website? Get the essential guide.

We get associations as few agencies do.

Association management is a niche industry and requires a great deal of expertise to help serve the needs of membership, as well as engage effectively with board members, stakeholders and staff. It is a dynamic that Sociation understands fully.

Website Development Services

Website Development

Why we use WordPress

We develop websites customized to your association’s needs and built on WordPress – the world's most popular open-source CMS. No proprietary software or functionality restrictions – your site will always be your site.

Web Application Development Services

Keap Automation

Tools to make work easier

We add automation tools to run your association's website more efficiently – event modules, integrated job boards, registration forms, membership portals and Keap automations. We build the tools that make your staff love coming to work everyday.

Hosting and Maintenance Services

Hosting & Maintenance

Your peace of mind

Stay protected, monitored and safe. We monitor your new website's stability and performance 24/7 and automatically update your WordPress system, plugins and add security monitoring and hardening techniques.

Scalable solutions for small business.

Small business marketing requires a flexible approach to accelerate engagement before peak times and level off during the off-season. Our approach is based on first clearly defining your specific target audience and then developing a strategy to maximize engagement and ROI.

Branding Services


Who's telling your story?

Your brand is the most important part of your business. Who is telling your story if you are not? We flush out your uniqueness and let everyone know about it.

Social Media Marketing Services

Social Media

Engage with prospects

You know the value of social media, but don’t have the time or the expertise to go beyond sporadic Facebook posts? We build custom strategies, design content and manage your platforms – and let you tend to your business.

Email Marketing Services

Email Marketing

Connect with customers

We help you build your client database, track client behaviour and stay connected with past customers with custom designed, targeted email marketing campaigns.

Marketing services with concierge service.

Our core services include branding; design; social media strategy and management; SEO and digital advertising; website development; membership automation; website maintenance and hosting; and email marketing.

Logo design, fonts, imagery and colour palette selection.

Print and digital graphic design and production services.

Social media strategy and management services.

SEO and targeted ad campaigns for Google and social media.

Custom designed and developed WordPress websites.

Custom built web applications for your website.

Protection, maintenance and hosting for your website.

Connect with past clients with custom designed email campaigns.

A creative team that understands you.

The creative team at Sociation is dedicated to your success. Our designers, developers and strategists all have one thing in common – the day doesn’t end until all our clients are happy. Whether that means 24/7 support or weekend meetings, our team is always at your schedule.


The essential guide
for planning your
website project.


Contact us today to
discuss your project